

Pollubike: Breath well in Massy

 April 7, 2021

By  Lycee Parc de Vilgenis 91 


Essential information is on the link

Our work is also published at VSTUDIOLAB

A video explains the project.

A video of presentation for the contest CGénial

Articles about the project:

Le parisien and Phosphore

Categories: Mobility

Summary of the action:

*Today, 50% of the world population lives in cities.  It is expected that in 2050, this pourcentage will reach 70%.

*2% of the ground surface is occupied by cities.

And these 2% produce 80% of the greenhouse gas emissions

*How to develop a simple, reliable and participative concept to know the least polluted areas of the city?


Design a product, make it function, make it evolve.

Meet agents of the city so that the product can become known.

Raise awareness to a large number of massicois (inhabitants of Massy) about the air quality.

Details on the installation

It takes up the classic groundwork of the pollution detectors while combining it with new technologies and a collaboration with Lab Innovation Ericsson France and the town hall of Massy.

Since septembre, we’ve been working to define the best journey from one point of the city to the other according to two criterias : distance and pollution.

Useful advice:

What you have to learn to do:
Arduino programming

SQL base recording

Retrieve data

Components welding

Design a 3D case to print it

Difficulty opppf the action from 1 (very difficult) to 5 (very easy): 1

Lycee Parc de Vilgenis 91

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