

CO2 measures in a high school

 April 7, 2021

By  Lycee Parc de Vilgenis 91 

Un détecteur de CO2

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Summary of the action:

Raise awareness in a high school of 2500 pupils about the importance  of CO2.

The story begins with the gift of a CO2 sensor.

It continues with different measures with our detector : hypothesis, experiences, conclusions.

This brings us to understand how to ventilate one of our buildings.


Raise awareness about the importance of CO2 in the life of a high school: with and without COVID.

To take an interest in health.

Invest youngsters in a project that concerns our high school and even  further.

As usual, the independence of students. Here, year 11 students work with TSTI and MIC.

Details on the installation:

Learn to install a detector: simple with a tutorial coming up.

Learn to calibrate a detector: simple

Install the detector correctly.

Take measures and ventilate.

Useful advice:

The students should talk to their teachers about the project while arriving to class with this detector. Your high school has good detectors, I believe.

Write texts giving the results regularly.

Breath 🙂

Difficulty of the action from 1 (very difficult) to 5 (very easy): 4

Lycee Parc de Vilgenis 91

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