

My little Planet ecological challenges

 October 10, 2022

By  Vialle 

Affiche SCOLAIRE-3619f6f6

All the info on our website My Little Planet

If you want to motivate your teachers to put in place a challenge at a class, student or school level, you can use this kit to talk about the game (model mails, posters, presentations, communication kit, etc).

For more info, don’t hesitate to contact the following address lena@mapetiteplanete.org

Categories: Awareness

Summary of the action:

My Little Planet school edition is a challenge intended to students (and teachers) from kindergarten to high school. Put in place by teachers in classes or with groups of students, it comes to achieving ecological challenges with classmates during 3 weeks. The objective is to promote a maximum of students to take action considering the preservation of the planet, to develop team cohesion while creating bonds between the students but also within the entire school community. Two editions are organised per year: this year they will take place the week of the 14th of november 2022 and the week of the 13th of march 2023. The challenges are very practical and allow us to act upon many subjects: nutrition, waste, biodiversity, technologies, energy, etc

The objectives:

  • Promote taking action
  • Raise awareness in an entertaining way
  • Create human bonds by living a collective motivating experience about ecology

Details on the installation:

Very practically, all the students will play together upon a 3 week edition. You will be in teams and the objective is to make the most challenges to gain the most points. There is a ranking between the student groups of one establishment but also at a national level, and even internationally ( the game is available in English so there are players abroad as well). The game is adapted to all levels, simultaneously for less aware people but also for the ones already ecological (the goal is to challenge yourself to always go further!). Currently, it’s the teacher who keeps score on an app and the students have access to the printed sheet of challenges. You also have a chat with all the students of your team and the referent teacher, on which you can share the proof of your challenges (pictures, texts, etc). This chat allows exchange, sharing, and the maintenance of motivation. Concerning the dates, the editions take place mid-November and mid-March each year.

PS: You can also join a mainstream edition if you would rather participate with your circle (this edition is played directly on the app) → For the dates, it happens at the end of September, end of January and end of May. There is also a company edition if you want to talk about it to your surroundings, all the info is on the My Little Planet website.

Difficulty of the action from 1 (very difficult) to 5 (very easy): 5


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