

Protection of Oceans Label

 August 28, 2022


Categories: Biodiversity

Summary of the action:

With the navigator Anne Beaugé, the association Protection of Oceans (email address: protectiondesoceans40@gmail.com) delivers the Protection of Oceans Label to engaged communities in the ecological transition. 

Indeed, we offer a label that states the rules of good behaviour for a community wanting to reduce its impact on the environment, and more specifically waste, pesticides and carbon, to protect the oceans.

It was written with the LEESU competition (Water lab, environment and urban systems) of the East Créteil Paris university.

The objectives:

Given that 70% of marine pollution comes from earth…

By fighting in your community against the too large abundance of plastic, pesticides or greenhouse gas you could improve the fate of Oceans whose collapse is known today. 

We would like to offer an opportunity to students and ecostudentss to become Ambassadors for the Protection of Oceans.

It is a useful part of civil education essential to them. They get to know, thanks to this opportunity, the elected ones that protect their administration but that are also scared of accusations and the unknown.

Details on the installation:

If you gather 5 points of the Label (out of 10) or you want to put them in place until 2026, ask the Label to voice your desire to fight against pollution. Communities are already labelled like Lacanau (33), Brède (33), Rognac (13), Seyne sur mer (83)… 

Useful advice:

5 points out of 10 below:

#1 Install water fountains in the city: they allow everyone to drink without having to buy plastic bottles, by reusing an empty one or your water bottle. Each fountain represents saving several thousand tons of waste. It  should be noted that each year in France we consume 18 billion plastic bottles.

#2 Limit the use of single-use plastic in public space. Privilege biodegradable packaging. Make sure the merchants privilege paper bags or metal straws, wood cutlery for the ice creams or take away meals. Plastic spoons, straws, bags: this plastic does not recycle. We find them regularly in nature and so afterwards in water, beer, honey, oysters, mussels but also in the stomachs of fishes, birds or even deers.

#3 Install ashtrays in all public areas : parkings, squares, roads. A stub pollutes 500 litres of water and takes two years to decompose.

#4 Support associations that organise voluntary pickup of all wild waste on banks, beaches, parks, forests and fields as often as necessary with the objective of never having to do one again.

#5 Public orders: forbidden single-use plastic objects and packaging.

#6 Decrease greenhouse gases by any known way : purchase new vehicles without gasoline (gas, electricity, hydrogen). Shift to renewable heat (solar, biomass, geothermal) and clean energie (wind, solar, photovoltaic, biomethanation).

#7 Towards sustainable mobility : free public transport. Free parkings made available for carpooling. Developpement of cycling routes.

#8 The canteens of your community get their supplies from local bio productors. Even if it isn’t 100%ù reliable, bio by permaculture escapes very largely from herbicides, pesticides and water waste. Bio breeding obeys as well to respectful norms to biodiversity. Establishment of at least one vegetarian day at the canteen.

#9 Agriculture: you take anti-pesticide orders. The mayors being legitim to intervene to protect their population, the collective of anti-pesticides mayors put their order model available to all communities that wish to act in that way.

#10 If you have a sewage treatment plant, ask for mud incineration. They contain synthetic fibres of our clothes that have gone to the washing machine. Refuse that these muds be spread and become compost for agricultural land. A recent study estimates that 230 million  tons of plastic are spread in Europe, each year on agricultural land.

“Together let’s protect Oceans”

Join a folder: https://www.protectiondesoceans.com

Difficulty of the action from 1 (very difficult) to 5 (very easy): 4


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