
Administration (EN)

The E3D label, a real asset for your school

 April 7, 2021

By  Lycee Marcelin Berthelot 31 

  •  Administration

  • All high schools that are involved in a sustainable development approach can apply for the ecological certification (E3D) label, all they need is to fill out a form, it’s very simple.

  • The E3D label enhances the school's commitment.

  • To find the application form for the label, simply go to your regional education authority’s website and go to the E3D label section.
    You are looking for advice on how to start the ecological transition in your school ? a downloadable booklet is available in the "Guide" section.

  • Applying is easier than it seems : You don’t need to carry out multiple actions to fit in, an EcoLycée group that carries out 2 or 3 actions only can apply for the label.
  • Plus, obtaining the E3D label can be a solid argument to convince your school administration to launch the ecological transition.
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Lycee Marcelin Berthelot 31

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