
Administration (EN)

The Republic of the SDGs: transforming the school into a sustainable micro-state

 March 24, 2023

By  Chevallier 


See the full report on the transformation of the Franco-German High School of Freiburg (Germany) into the Dreisam Republic:

  • Categories: Administration
  • Summary of the action: The Republic of Sustainable Development Goals is a collective, creative and fun project for students to transform their school into a sustainable one.
  • Objectives : Throughout the transformation process, it’s the students who decide and undertake according to the 17 SDGs.
  • Implementation details : During 2 or 3 school days, on the school grounds, all students develop their own social, economic and environmental activities in teams. The students love it, as they sell, buy, learn and interact a lot in this self-proclaimed state. A few months beforehand, the students will have decided on how the state should be organised: elections, a citizens’ convention, laws, local currency, taxes, etc.
    In this state, one could, for example, buy second-hand clothes, eat local food, learn first aid, learn how to repair one’s bicycle, build a chicken coop, be an advocate for nature, drink tea in a herbalist’s shop, etc Let’s offer our students a great space for creation to open the field of possibilities of Sustainable Development.
  • Practical advice : In order to have an overview, the measures taken in this state could be displayed in the form of the Republic of the SDGs model: the door of the sustainable economy, the social floor, the environmental ceiling, the roof of the planetary limits, the window of the critical gaze and the window of the partnerships.
    This transformation is based on collective intelligence where students must cooperate to benefit from each other’s skills. Doubts will arise, mistakes will sometimes be made, but in the end, the analysis of this project will allow the school community to progress towards sustainability.
  • Attach a file : https://www.dfglfa.net/dfg/images/DFG/Aktuelles/E-edupleX/Rpublique_Dreisam/Rpublique_des_ODD.pdf (in French)

Difficulty of the action :  from 1 (very difficult) to 5 (very easy): 2


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