

Waste collection

 June 25, 2021

By  Lycee Theodore Ozenne 31 

Ramassage de déchets 2e-ac31d4b3

If you want to follow our future projects, you can also check our instagram account : @interact.ozenne

Categories: Waste

Summary of the action:

Saturday the 5th of June was held our second clean walk in Toulouse !

We went from the ponts Jumeaux and we cleaned all along the Canal du Midi like the first time.

In only a few hours, we collected the equivalent of 100 litres of waste!

This action generated enthusiasm and allowed a lot of people to join (from Year 11 to A-Levels students), which is really cool.

The participants were plenty despite the high temperatures. We are very grateful to them !

It was one of the last actions of this year and we’re glad it made this much noise.

Your turn now 😉

The objectives:

Our objective is first of all to clean the city, but also to raise awareness to a maximum of secondary and university students to the importance of taking care of your environment. The second interest of our action is to show passers-by our motivation to get things changing and mostly to incite them to do the same !

Waste is fully part of our daily lives, so much so that we walk by without paying attention to it. This is why we try to encourage questioning among a large number of us, and of you.

Details on the installation: 

We firstly contacted the town hall of Toulouse to inform them of our action. Then, like the first time, we asked our godfather club, the Rotaract, to lend us glass-protection gloves. COnsidering our late exchanges with the town hall it’s interesting to know for our future clean walks that it’s possible that they can help us organise, by finding a place, by collecting the waste after the walk, or by providing us with the material for example.

Finally, to inform the students of this action, we attached at multiple places of our establishment a poster made by us. We also relied on word-of-mouth and used social media.

Useful advice: 

Ask to bring bottles with a wide neck to facilitate the collection of cigarette ends and to take tough bags to collect the glass (that can go through thin or fragile bags).

Difficulty of the action from 1 (very difficult) to 5 (very easy): 4

Lycee Theodore Ozenne 31

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